Thursday 25 October 2012

my transsexual summer

one of the best damn shows around. it's hilarious and affectionate. Channel 4 disables imbedding so watch the trailer here

it's aired last year in the UK but is just airing on ABC2 in Australia friday nights 9:30pm. or pirate bay it here

tumblr questions

more pix and weirder stuff there from some other fantastic blogs

a half-arsed disclaimer. 

but if anyone is stupid enough to make the same mistakes i do, it's their own damn fault

*edit - Oct 2012*

wait. no. that's not the only reason.

because the title is a joke. it's how not to succeed in business. how not to make friends and influence people. this blog is about what not to do. 

the (without really trying) is playing on the polarised beliefs people have about sex workers. some think it's grim and nasty and people are forced into the occupation. others think it's an easy occupation for the lazy sons of bitches whocouldn't be bother do little more than laying back with their legs i the air and taking a cock

if you want to be a success. there are tips and tricks written here. i could write about all my awesome clients (most of them) that are a lot of fun to meet up with. i could write about all the successful job that went along just perfectly, but that would be fucking boring for you to read and for me to write. 

which is more interesting to read, the dinner date and sex that went according to plan? or  when roughly playing the dominate daddy for the guy who shat on my floor and i had to quickly switch to the role of the geriatric nurse following behind him with a towel between his legs as he hobbled across the carpet to the bathroom?

i don't about you, but i want to read the non-glamourise embarrassing poop story
so this is my tragic mistakes. every wrong move. every dumb choice every unintentional (and sometimes intentional) fuck up

no doubt people will be horrified by the horrible honesty here. people who discovered they were written about were offended and the posts removed. but i'm far from the hero of all my stories. i am the fool here, forever stumbling through awkward situations finding the humour in the horror

don't do what i do and you might just succeed

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Tuesday 9 October 2012

nothing but Krud

i checked his twitter immediately and there was no sign of this actual post :(