Tuesday 28 February 2012

one woman - two vaginas

Woman with two vaginas: 'I lost my virginity twice'

"An attractive, blonde, British woman recently revealed on a TV talk show that she has two vaginas and turned down a $1 million offer from porn production company Vivid Entertainment. Hazel Jones has a condition called uterus didelphys, which caused her to be born with two vaginas"

the best comment below being:

"she was clueless until her boyfriend tipped her off?
god gave this genius two uteri. I say, fill 'em up fast."

on second thought, maybe don't fill them up too fast, because this is what a double vagina looks like prolapsed. it looks the snout of a wild tuskless boar. but how awesome would it be to have something like that? that's pretty damn special!  aside from behind picked up like a bowling ball, just imagine what you could do!

from one of the best shows in the world, Embarrassing Bodies, has more detail here 
(embedding disabled because they're cunts. double cunts)

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