Tuesday 26 April 2011

can't we all just get along? fuck no! #1

i knew it was was always going to be tough working in a brothel. i was bound to not like a few people (if not all of them). it was my biggest hesitation

when i lived overseas in Amsterdam, one woman i worked with called me a 'slow burner'. in a workplace situation i won't steamroll my way with a bang. i lay low. work hard. reveal nothing about myself until i feel it's necessary and i'm comfortable to do so. first impressions last, especially in this industry. be myself and let them get to know me slowly. so if somebody to hates me, i want them to hate me for me!

one that started off with a bang was Amber. she was great when she first started. bright. friendly. chatty and interested in everything you had to say. when people were down, bored or started to nod off in boredom she would perk everyone one

after a few weeks, this perk became a pain in the ass.

one day everything was fine. the next, Gypsy (my favourite tranny in the world right now) would screw her nose up at Amber. i didn't know why. Gyspy wouldn't say

a day later, another hooker would roll their eyes behind her back.

pretty soon even i would roll my eyes to her face. she just wouldn't shut the fuck up. she would talk to you, and you think she would be listening to you answer, but regardless of what you said her response would just continue in the direction is was already going. she stopped having conversations and just talked at you, half the time she wouldn't even be looking at you. she's just pause briefly to catch her breath and give the impression there was a dialogue going on. after a while she wouldn't even look at you, she would just ramble off about the last job she had. you couldn't get away from her. i used to want an intro or a booking for the money, now i'd pray for an intro just to get away from whatever endless conversation about herself she locked you into. i don't care if they're paying. i'd suck an old man's dick just to get away!

initially i didn't mind her overtaking the tv and watching re-runs of Grey's Anatomy. it didn't bother me that she had seen each episode a thousand times before yet would still shhhh you if you spoke over the top of the tv. i didn't mind that she took the role of the manager and told you to help with the washing of sheets and towels even if you had not been the one to dirty them in a booking


one night i was watching Cruising. the cult 80s film with Al Pacino catching a gay serial killer in new york. william friedkin. it's got some dark fucked up shit in it. hugely controversial. cinemas were protested as heavily by Gay Rights groups as much as Basic Instinct was in the 90s.

Amber walks in during the last 10 minutes of a very suspenseful film and "what's this?"


"what are you watching?"

"Cruising! it's a movie about a gay serial killer"

"what's going on?"

"gay guys are getting killed ...serially. it's right at the end"

"oh my god that's shocking." as Al Pacino is having the confrontation with the guy he believes in the killer in a park Amber opens up her laptop and starts talking to the girl next to her, "i didn't win my netball game tonight..."

"i'm watching this movie!" i bark. Amber goes quiet, only to start talking again 10 seconds later

i get up and check the outdoor lounge to see if they're watching the same thing. less than a metre from where i was sitting Amber changes the channel to an episode of Friends. i take a deep breath and finish watching the movie in the next room

pretty soon i had joined the ranks of haters. when i heard her loud shrill voice i just wanted to rip her blonde hair out from their brown roots

it wasn't vicious what these types of people do. they're not even conscious of it. unless it affects them directly, they're oblivious to everyone elses feelings but their own. in Amber's case, she's just pre-occupied with herself. she must be hell to hire for a booking but she is a nympho, that's why she does this work. it seems like the only way to shut her up is my by shoving a cock in her mouth

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