Saturday 9 April 2011

a simple test

if you're going to be a whore, you need a sense of humour. the situations you are put in (and put yourself in) can destroy your brain if you let it get to you.

here is a simple test. watch these 3 videos. do you:
a) laugh
b) laugh and feel guilty and then start laughing again
c) chuckle a bit and then cry for the poor deaf tranny and the people in a world so cruel that have laughed at this video
d) not laugh because you're offended for lady gaga
e) not laugh because you don't know what tetris is
f) not laugh

a+b) you're fine. you'll make a good whore
c) you'll make a terrible whore and turn to drugs and tear yourself to peices with guilt for the rest of your tragic life
d+e+f) you're a dick. you work in finance and fantisise about people paying you cash for your body

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