Wednesday 6 April 2011

workplace relations

one major reason for never working at a brothel before was having to get along in a workplace. to me, there's nothing more dull than workplace politics. the same boring shit that happens in an office also happens in a brothel. who's lazy. who's the boss' favourite. who's fucking who. who's the cheap slut who wears the fishnets with a ladder up the back into an intro with a client. which tranny stole what other tranny's wig... blah blah blah

boring as fuck

sometimes you get paired up. a client might want a double. that means you have to work along side a co-whore. you can always decline, but not only losing a job you might also offend the your co-worker. it might be for a reason as simple as you don't find them attractive or "that bitch never washes her mug. i'm not going down on her!". but whores are fragile things, and can take it to heart ...or what's left of their shriveled black hearts

one saturday morning there's a client called John. he wants to try it all. he booked the first hour with Connor and on the second hour i would join in.

"what's he into?"

"he likes it rough. he likes being bitten and restrained." Connor looked exhausted after the first hour. i followed him upstairs to start the 3 way. "you know. rough stuff"

i come up, walk in the door and wrestle the fucker to the bed. restraining. biting. spitting on him. making him lick our feet. all the stuff he wanted. Connor was glad for the time out. we barely touched each other, just the client, and took turns fucking him. Connor had a huge cock, so i went first before he left the guys arse in tatters. it was less like sex and more like old school WWF Rock'n'Roll wrestling ...and about as well-acted

a month later on a Friday night John returned. he intro'd us all and chose the new boy, Chase, for the first hour. i will join in on the 2nd hour. Chase worked at the Manor long ago, but he was new to me. Chase is 20. slim body. blonde hair teased and ruffled into the typical style popular in Melbourne. he injects tan and his skin is so dark he has turned caramel. it doesn't appeal to me, but it scores him a lot of work. in almost every intro he is chosen over anyone other hooker. this sometimes drives the other guys insane

i sit downstairs having a cuppa tea watching BBC News 24 show incredible footage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. not the most arousing aphrodisiac to work you into a sexual frenzy, but i was ready to go. Chase comes down to let me know it's my time to join in. straight away i dive into a reply of last time. biting. spitting. smacking him across the face and calling him a dog (not a pig, he wanted to be treated like a dog). "yeah, Big Bad Andy," he called me. i smacked him across the face too fucking right! i kicked into overdrive and roughed him up a little more than i should. partly i was showing off in front of Chase and partly because i was just getting off on being a cunt. it seemed to intimidate Chase. at least i thought it did.

Chase was a little shy and nervous and was fucking him first. then i took over slamming John's ass while Chase, with his back to me, sat on his face. "yeah, ride my face, beach boy!" Chase turned around to laugh a little at being called 'beach boy' then kept turning around watching me fuck this guy roughly. he had a weird look on his face. i think i was being a little too rough, grabbing him by the ankles, pulling his legs apart like i was going to make a wish, so i calmed down a little. the client blew his load and we sat down to chat for the rest of the booking. that is, the client talked, we listened and pretended to care. Chase was quiet, the poor bugger had heard the same stories in the first hour of the booking (and they weren't that interesting to hear the first time around)

we got a tip and went back downstairs. the other hookers were giggling like schoolgirls "soooooo... how was your 3way?" as if a new romance was blossoming between Chase and I.

"it was good. very easy. and then Andy comes in and rapes the guy!" Chase looked at me shocked

"that's what he likes," i defended, sipping my peppermint tea after a good rough session. i'm sure all angry daddy tops sip a nice herbal tea after a filthy rape scene. "isn't that what he wanted?"

"no. it was easy and gentle. i did make him lick my feet. but there was no rough stuff! then you came in.."

"oh. shit. sorry. last time i was told that's what he wanted and..."

"no. don't apologise it was hot!"

i was grinning from ear to ear. i was so proud. i even think i blushed

the following night, Saturday, we were all in the lounge crammed onto the 2 sofas drinking vodka i'd smuggled in from coffee mugs. we were talking about sex, no doubt getting excited about the money we'd hopefully be making tonight, and my phone goes off in my pocket. Grindr messages coming through. i check it, the face looks familiar. it was from Chase. the nice sweet but slutty little twink sitting on the sofa right beside me

"if you ever have the urge to dominate me like the guy last night you are more than welcome"

i didn't know what to say. this is a delicate workplace relation happening here. is this sexual harassment? could you really be taken seriously claiming sexual harassment in a brothel? especially if the harasser want you to be the harasser of their ass? should i just fuck the twink? eww... yuck. i can't fuck a twink! and telling him that would not go smoothly

what to do?

i gave a shit for all about 30seconds then put my phone away. 3 hours later he writes back. while out on a job (the old dude with the ass-licking dog) i respond. "i'm trying to keep our relationship professional." it was a wank. luckily Chase accepts my reason

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