Wednesday 3 August 2011

monday at the office

i like it when clients plan ahead. i'm not sure how somebody is going to know exactly where and when they are going to be horny more than a few weeks in advance. i can't even plan an overseas holiday more than a few weeks in advance.

but Toby did. he's been sniffing around my gaydar profile for a while. i've sen him looking for over a year now. occaisionally asking a question but never following through. finally, he did. booked a hotel room but couldn't decide between his suit and tie or leather fetish. so i decided for him. leather. i raided my housemates wardrobe for leather pants. it's pretty goofy to be wearing leather gear while riding a 250cc, and even goofier when you sit on the bike and the cuffs of those leather pants ride up past the top of your boots exposing your socks.

pfft. whatevs. he's not gonna see me on the bike. i will be standing tall above him when i get into the hotel room.

Toby is a cute little cub in his mid 30s. i have a lot of beary clients. i love their way their chubby faces light up when i walk in the room. skinny fellas just don't have the cheeks for expressing joy. i cornered him up against the wall, leaned in over him and let my intimidating presence do the rest. order him to unzip my leather jacket, grab on to the bulldog harness and force him to his knees. his hands gripped onto the leather around my thighs and i have to admit, i fucking loved wearing them. i may need to score a pair for myself

i love fucking a meaty hairy arse. i don't know what is. them skinny bitches don't do it for me. little in the middle and got much back. but hairy. when i'm on top i need a bit of texture or i'm going to slide right of. or worse, stick. i leave the leathers on. flip him over, start off slow and then pound him. he loved it

we kick back for a while after and tell me my advert and reviews scared him. he thought i was always going to be too extreme. it wasn't until another escort recommended me (the escort who i couldn't rope into a 3way months ago). jolly nice thing to do, old chap!

Monday is usually my day off. so fuck it. i wanted to kick back and watch cartoons. i scooted over to the nearest shops, Northland shopping centre to grab a copy of Toy Story 3. it wasn't until i had an audible tanty over JB Hifi's $40 price that i stomped over the Kmart. there i was, dressed in full leathers, leather pants and boots, leather jacket zipped down a little so you could no doubt see the bulldog harness' strap of leather across my chest hair quietly blowing in the air con. there i was, angry, bearded and leather clad stomping through Kmart to the children's section of the Audio Visual department.

again. pfft. whatevs. if anyone at the check out asks it's a present for my little girl. daddy's just got outta prison and doesn't want to disappoint little Chardonnae by showing up empty handed. however, if anyone notices why my crotch still shiny with lube then i have no excuse for that

not too many folk looked at me strangely as i strut out of there. if anything in the shopping centre would draw people's attention it was the 7 foot tall middle aged lady in the brown turtleneck who i thought was 9 months pregnant. on closer inspection she was far too old to be pregnant, it was her ridiculously enormous breasts hanging low and trapped inside her pullover tucked into her belt. i pitied the poor asian girl serving her with nothing but a pair of sad little bee stings to compete with

it was a nice relaxing monday afternoon, feet up on the sofa and watching cartoons. though something seems to be wrong with the dvd. while i was watching the sad bit at the end the picture kept going all fuzzy, wet and blurry! lucky i held on t the receipt. i will return it to the store tomorrow when i go buy more tissues


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