Monday 1 August 2011

public transport

trevor is still is still in the shop. clutch well fucked and will be another week before parts come in and he is back on the road. it hasn't been too bad. public transport in melbourne is good in the sense that just about everywhere i covered. but my god is it ever slow. so slow getting anywhere.

no day job for the moment so it's not too bad. only it make going to the gym a 3 hour process. i was walking. 40 minutes each way walk to the gym. the bus shaved a little bit of time, but not much. at least i arrived dry, warm(ish) and not so exhausted

on the way back across town in the crawling melbourne peak hour traffic, i noticed a guy sitting in the driver's seat of his car. no doubt i was checking him out because of the scruffy beard, but on closer inspection, as much as a sucker as i am for arab guys, he was of the non-hot taxi driver persuation. the kind of taxi driver i know i would soon be yelling at because they don't know how to get to a major well-known street in whatever city i'm currently in

"you don't know how to get to Williams Street, King's Cross? with the bloody great big coke sign at the end of it? are you fucking serious?"

i was a bit heart broken, but with very little to look at i kept staring. then he slowly looked up at me with his 'follow me behind the mosque' eyes and panicked. that's when i looked down and noticed he was pulling his dick. the man was rubbing one out in the driver's seat of his car parked outside North Fitzroy Primary School. nothing serious, i guess, it was school holiday afterall. with a hunch of his shoulders and frantic fidget with his belt, his tackle was tucked away. he threw his little Daihatsu bitchbox into gear and drove off

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