Monday 29 August 2011

mix tape - (hidden track)

back in the old days of Sydney when i was able to do incalls in my apartment i had the mix tape all set up. then i had a 2 hour booking, but only enough music in the playlist for 70 minutes, so i packed more tracks in to make up the time to keep the booking going. amongst the deep sleazy house tracks this track accidentally slipped in - The Knife's Pass this On

i used to hate The Knife. hate with a passion. in Amsterdam, two Swedish girls constantly played the Deep Cuts album. it annoyed the fuck out of me. especially Heartbeats

when i heard Heartbeats, all my ears heard was this - the Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp

...there will be a head for you... and tail for me?

so it took a long time, a few yeas in fact and a Jose Gonzales version in an great Sony commercial, for me to forgive the knife

then one Saturday night i was up late watching The Gossip programme Rage. i was never all that keen on The Gossip because of how much this track Standing In The Way of Control

sounds like this track old track Turn me Loose by Loverboy

but Beth Ditto was fucking awesome and the music they chose that night was fantastic. soon Silent Shout album was released and i loved it. now i love The Gossip and this Knife track. when i hear that tin drum i get little shivers of excitement

there's something about when the kid starts dancing @ 2:15 that i find it to be one of the sexiest things i ever seen

on the mixtape it was tough to keep in the headspace for work when i had visions of drag queens miming in my head. after the first playlist mistake i would put this song 60minutes into the playlist. no self-respecting hooker* wants to look like a clockwatcher, so when i heard Pass This On without looking at the clock i knew when the hour was up and politely shuffle little johnny on his way

(*pun intended. there are no self-respecting hookers out there)

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