Sunday 2 September 2012

last days of sydney - plans

i don't make plans

plans turn to shit. they rarely work out so why put so much effort into planning something only to have it not work out. at least that's my excuse for being a lazy fuck and stumbling into just about every situation. that's not to say i'm unprepared. do your research. thoroughly. so when the walls of steaming shit start collapsing around you, hopefully you will be ready to duck and cover

Our plans to fly to Berlin were snuffed out in just a few short phone calls. bad news from home - someone in the family was not well. old people can be selfish like that. damn them threatening to shuffle off at any moment! the Elk had to fly back to Ireland. right now

when you have lived with someone and constantly been buried deep up each others arses for the last 5 months it's a strange feeling to suddenly be alone. i would spend the next three weeks packing up what revealed itself to be an obscene amount of crap we had accumulated. the worst being half my bodyweight in fucking Le Creuset kitchenware

i had prepared for just about everything except being on my own again. my sleeping disorder was eager to slip back under the covers with me. insomnia is not a welcome friend, more of a relative that regularly comes to stay for a while unannounced. it makes you do strange things. one side effect was listening to The Best of The Supremes and System Of A Down's Toxicity relentlessly. but on the whole, not such a bad thing because only sleeping a couple fo hours a night just gave me more time for 3 of the weirdest fucking weeks of work to rake up cash for Berlin

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