Thursday 31 March 2011

hit that perfect beat, boy

the bike was still unfound. luckily i had Benji's car, even if it was a little banged up thanks to my dumb ass. so at least on nights off or in between jobs i got to check out more of melbourne's sleazier side. it's nice to drive a new car. and it's nice that while cruising melbourne's beats somebody else's number plate will get recorded by police for a change :)

ever cruised a beat on a motorcycle? sure it's hot in your leathers. but you gotta take off your helmet and lock it to the bike. walk around in your gear which can be a pain in the arse seeing as getting your bits out can prove difficult. if it gets cold or rains your fucked. you can't leave your groceries in the back seat, so if you carry around a bag with you at cruising area it looks mighty creepy. you can sit in the drivers seat of a car and hang around but it's tough to look inconspicuous or like you're just innocently hanging out at a dark secluded park when you're leaning on a motorbike

but hey, the bike has sure worked in my favour in the past. every dirty beat queen loves the leather jacket. some way they jizz their knickers when they see a ute in the parking lot. they all love to think they're getting the closeted straight guy. sometimes you do get that straight guy, but unless you go back to his car and he has to unhook the babyseat so you can have sex in the backseat, chances are you just getting off with another homo.

it says it about Joe Orton, but it's just a bunch of scenes about beatsex in london in the 60s

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