Sunday 6 March 2011

i feel better

in the whore's lounge, the kids love to listen to music television. Channel [V] playing non-stop P!nk, Chris Brown, Rihanna after Rihanna and whatever fucking tedious club track they're over plugging that week. it's agony. the second a bad track starts someone pipes up and says "oh i love this track!" the cutest being Kelly, an adorable south asian tranny who goes apeshit for Usher's abs

So imagine my excitement when a video comes on that i love. Hot Chip's I Feel Better. the track maybe taking the piss out of popular RnB but "i love this video!" i scream. everyone in the lounge turned to look at me. i had been mostly quiet since starting at the Manor. i managed to not be a jerk or piss anyone off. whores aren't dumb and they're as nosey as hell. they wanted to know why the quiet guy suddenly got so excited

Peter Steno..something..witz. all i know is he's the uptight flatmate in Sean of The Dead who had a short lived british comedy show of his own directed one of my favourite videos of all time

the first minute is a typical boy band style of four pretty boys up on stage. they keep watching, not quite sure what's supposed to be so great. Jarrod looks at me, squints and turns back to see the little bald man appear. "who's that?" "what's going on?" "what's that guy doing?" "he's creepy. eww..." then the weird little man shoots each boy band member his mouth laser, ressurects them to form a five member band impressing the crowd before a giant head floats into the room with bulging eyes burns everyone to a pile of ash

the video ends. everyone is speechless. they either looks at me confused or look around the room waiting for the joke. a joke i got. i'm laughing. no one else is.

i don't fit in here... thank fuck

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